Color Me Rosy

give your attitude a high-five

Naked for a Cause?

The film Calendar Girls starring Helen Mirren is one of those movies that I've watched and laughed over a few times, mostly with my grandmother.  It's rare that I find someone my age who has seen the film, although it is only about ten years old.  The plot is based on a true story, one that is peppered with equal parts heartache and humor - a combination that leaves you feeling emotionally raw.  When a friend's husband passes at a young age from leukemia, a woman sets out to raise money in order to purchase a new couch for the hospital waiting room by...becoming a calendar girl.  This seriously happened, guys.  A group of women created a nude calendar to raise money for leukemia research.  And it poses the question:  Would you?  I wouldn't.  Couldn't.  But these ladies did and it worked.  

The word leukemia makes my blood run a little cold.  Having lost someone very close to me to the disease, I applaud the efforts of these women.  But like I said, I don't think I could do it.  Donating money is so much easier.  Requires very little effort.  And I'm ashamed to admit that the realm of my charitable donations fall into a hollow money giving category.  I'm aware that money goes a long way and any form of donation is great, but I also know that becoming actively involved leaves an impact far more lasting.  I'm not here to encourage stripping down to raise money.  I am, however, in favor of finding that cause that matters to you, the one that keeps you awake at night, and then doing something about it.  Actively participating will leave you with a memory, a warm and fuzzy, and the lasting knowledge that you were a part of something far bigger than yourself.  Not only will it matter to someone else but it will matter to you.  

Also, watch the movie.  It's great.  And tastefully done.  It's only rated PG-13.  I'd insert the trailer but I don't want to make anyone (Brandon) blush.
