Color Me Rosy

give your attitude a high-five

Spring Cleaning

Spring Summer cleaning and I have a love-hate relationship.  I love to get down and work up a sweat cleaning my house…for about ten minutes.  Getting rid of clutter takes me down memory lane and I can’t just ignore it, so I sit and I reminisce.  By the time I’ve traveled deep into my past, I’m emotionally spent and might as well call it a day.  Why work on something today when you can put it off until tomorrow, right?

This year I’ve made a little bit of a resolution.  I’m going to tackle the clutter and get things organized.  This is difficult for me because not only will I waste time holding onto memories, but I am not a very good fortune teller.  I have absolutely no idea what will happen in my future.  Chances are I won’t need my zip disk from high school BUT YOU NEVER KNOW!

Okay, that’s a bad example.  But my point is that I hold on to everything.  Seriously.  I blame it on sentiment but honestly, I’m a little afraid I’ll be featured on Hoarders.

My goal was to clear out my junk drawers, as in more than one, and the closets.  The optimist in me has refused to get rid of the clothes I wore my freshman year of college because at some point I plan on being skinny enough to wear them again.  Forget that it’s been 10 years and I’m still dreaming.

Clearing out the junk drawers wasn’t a huge deal.  I was able to talk myself into tossing most of it out with the idea that if, by some chance, I would need a menu to P.F. Changs, I could hop on the ol’ world wide web and find it.  No more random packages of shoelaces, no more take home menus, and no more seriously ancient calculators.  Junk drawers = finished.

Moving on to my closets was a little bit harder.  I had boxes of clothes, shoes, and blankets that hadn’t seen the light of day in years probably.  I’m ashamed to admit that I experienced a major brain cramp and had absolutely no idea what to do with this stuff.  You might be thinking the obvious: donate it to Goodwill.  I thought of it, too.  It just took me a little longer to come up with the idea.  Like I said, brain cramp.

I learned some things about Goodwill that I didn’t know before but seemed like obvious aspects of the organization, all of which make it easier to part with your stuff.  Aside from being completely non-profit, donating to your local Goodwill directly impacts people and programs in your community.  Talk about taking care of things on the home front.

If you’re like me and not obsessive about organization (hence the junk drawers), then a perk to taking unwanted or underused items to Goodwill is that they sort through everything.  All you need to do is drop it off and you’re done.  Simple.

If you’re looking for that tax deduction, Goodwill makes it easier than ever to get a receipt for your donation.

Goodwill is also environmental friendly.  If they are unable to resell donated items, they look to recycle or re-purpose.  No more just dumping things at a landfill.

Just think.  Cleaning out your house makes you feel lighter, more organized.  On top of that, it feels extra good to give.  You’re making an impact without really doing much at all.
